What is K.O.P.S.? Knee Over Pedal Spindle

All Precor Bikes are biomechanically engineered for efficiency and comfort
Precor Bikes provide an extremely low-impact and efficient cardio and leg muscle toning workout. A key to this is achieving the best fit for you and everyone who will use the equipment. We use the K.O.P.S. (Knee Over Pedal Spindle) principle accepted as a standard fit technique among serious cyclists. This means that when the pedal cranks are horizontal, a plumb line straight down from the front of your front knee should intersect the spindle of the pedal. You can achieve this by simply adjusting the saddle forward or back.

Get the most out of every stroke
Getting the most out of your workout on a Precor bike starts with your pedaling technique. On each pedal stroke, you should concentrate on spinning smooth circles applying equal force throughout the circle. This means pulling up on the pedals as well as pushing down.

Maintain an optimal RPM
It’s ideal to maintain 60-90 revolutions per minute. Select a resistance level that will allow you to maintain this cadence without needing to strain or rock your hips. Take it easy in the early stages of your workout to allow your body adequate time to warm-up.

RPM vs. Resistance
A higher RPM and lower resistance provide a better cardiovascular (aerobic) workout, which will improve your endurance. A lower RPM and higher resistance provides an endurance workout but focuses on increased power and strength.

  • Higher RPM + lower resistance = better cardio workout
  • Lower RPM + higher resistance = better power and strength workout
  • To improve your cycling performance, you should spend more time on cardio workouts. Perform higher resistance power workouts once per week.

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